Monday, June 15, 2009

Holiday Blog

Last Wednesday, I went to the Singapore Science Centre. My maid, sister and I took a public bus to the Centre. We went there to watch a movie called 'Sea Monsters'. We watched the movie in the omni-theater. The omni-theater was so big and I think there was more seats in the theater than a normal movie theater. The movie was about a prehistoric story of a sea creature mother about 250 million years ago which gave birth to twins, a son and a daughter. Then, the family of three went on an adventure way out in the dangerous ocean. Together, they faced many dangers as they followed their source of food, a school of fishes almost the size of a salmon. Unfortunately, the mother was killed by a prehistoric shark the size of a great white but more ferocious. Another shark started chasing the female creature and bite of a bit of her flipper but the female was still living. She had a scar on her flipper. The twins went on alone, fending for theirselves. Eventually, they found another pack of their kind following a larger school of fish and decided to follow them. Suddenly the most dangerous sea creature who had no predators chased the female but she got away. But, the male was not that lucky. The male did not notice the danger and was eaten.

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